Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just A Note

Dear Sam,

I'm upset right now, but not necessarily with you. But the upset I feel is causing me to have this reaction to the fact that you just fed Keegan, put him to bed, and then left the bottle on the kitchen counter:

Learn to wash the fucking bottle!!!

I am not actually screaming this at you because I would be acting with emotion I'm really feeling toward an entirely different situation. It's too bad you don't appreciate the considerable restraint this is taking.

I'm so grateful that you help with the children in many ways. However, not washing those bottles is a lot like your dirty dishes making it all the way to the counter and not six inches lower into the dishwasher. It isn't that difficult. Especially since we use the "drop-in" bottles. Here is what I wish you would learn to do:

1) Take the bottle apart.
2) Rinse and recycle the liner.
3) Rinse the bottle and the ring that holds the nipple.
4) Use the dish soap that is sitting right there next to the sink and some hot water to wash the nipple.

It would take approximately two minutes for you to do all of that each time you feed Keegan. When I have to find it and do it later (or the next morning) it doesn't take any more time, but it does raise my blood pressure because I don't understand why you cannot do it yourself.


Constance the 14,000th said...

i feel this way about how my husband loads the dishwasher and the fact that he piles dirty dishes in the sink. how hard is it to load the dishwasher efficiently???? seriously?!?!?!?

i giggle to myself thinking that it's just something his mother never taught him and it's her fault.

"Constance-1-M" said...

I think there is something in the male DNA that gives them a mental block from seeing the dishwasher & USING it. Short of sticking it on top of the counters, I'm not sure how to re-wire their brains ....