Monday, December 22, 2008

On the Road

So Sam's job interview was moved from last Friday to tomorrow. He's on the road, driving north, as we speak.


Okay, I started typing, got called away from the computer, and, after a couple of phone calls, Sam is turning around and driving home. The weather up north is so bad they aren't sure he can make it there and they expect up to eight more inches of snow tomorrow so he might not get home if he did make it today.

New interview scheduled for January 5.

This happened with the last major interview as well - not weather difficulties, but various reasons for rescheduling and pushing things back. Every time I think well at least we'll know something soon, things get postponed. We thought we'd know by the 1st of the year whether we were moving or not, now the interview won't even have happened yet. SIGH.

BUT I'm glad he's headed home now because getting all the rest of the cooking and baking finished before Christmas Eve is daunting enough, but even more so if I'm the only parent here while trying to accomplish those tasks. I'm happy to have backup tonight and tomorrow, even if it does mean more waiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so nervous for you, for your not-knowing.