Sunday, February 10, 2008

Update on baby boy

Hi Constance The Fifth readers.

C5 asked me to update her blog here (I'm a friend) to let you know about the baby. Which I am happy to do.

C5 is in the hospital for monitoring tonight. There is a small placental abruption which they will keep an eye on. Hopefully she'll be home tomorrow, but she thought that was unlikely. They gave her an initial steroid shot to help develop the baby's lungs, in case he comes early. She is 28 weeks pregnant today.

Ok, Constances and anyone else out here reading this. Time to muster up support for a sister in need. Leave a comment, why don't you. Let C5 know how much we're pulling for her. She'll appreciate it, I know.


Constance the Thirteenth said...

I am SO GLAD that you went in to get checked out!

Hang in there C5 - we're all thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers and thinkin' of you guys!

Mary O said...

Oh my gosh. My prayers go out to C5 and baby boy.

Bunny said...

Hang in there. You are in good hands. I;m thinking about you!

Swistle said...

I am so, so glad you're being closely monitored, C5! I've been worrying and thinking about you.

Constance XXIX said...

I agree with the others, and am so glad you got checked out. Hope everything is ok, and sending good thoughts and well wishes your way :)

Jen said...

My thoughts are with you and your baby! : )

Stimey said...

I'm thinking of you too. Good luck and love!

"Constance-1-M" said...

Your apartment has been suspiciously quiet girl ~ come pop your head out & tell us you're ok - we're all thinking about you girl!