Friday, February 8, 2008


Went to the doctor and all is tentatively fine. . .

She saw blood when she examined me, but was not alarmed by the amount. I am not dilated at all, so she is not, at this point, worried about pre-term labor.

She said if the bleeding really increases or I start having cramping or regular contractions that I should call them and might need to go to the hospital to get things checked more thoroughly.

I was offered the option of going to the hospital this afternoon and having an ultra sound and letting them monitor the baby for a while, but she didn't think it was necessary, especially if I could just go home and rest, which I did.

So I am cautiously optimistic that this is just one of the many little hiccups that have happened along with this pregnancy and that all will still be well in the end.

Oh, and she also said go ahead and use the seven day over the counter stuff for my suspected yeast infection and not to fret about it. Thank you for all your advice -- I did not go as far as to put yogurt in my lady parts, but just the thought made me smile a little bit, so thanks for that.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

I am glad I was behind on blogs and so read this post before the first one, or I might have done more freaking out. That IS scary, and I'm glad the doctor thinks it's probably okay.