Monday, August 25, 2008


I have a difficult time talking about politics with people who disagree with me, because often they disagree so vehemently I just can't figure out a way to civilly carry on a conversation.

I am politically liberal. I think I'm conservative in how I live my life. . . as in I have old fashioned ideas about how children should dress and behave and about the way people treat each other and what kinds of things I generally feel are appropriate. So I live conservatively in many ways, but my vote veers pretty far to the left. I grew up in mostly very politically conservative environments and I am just not the type of person who will stand up and own the least popular opinion. For better or worse, I'm not very good at fighting that kind of fight.

Right now my husband works in an environment where most of his colleagues are older than he is, have worked with the company much longer than he has, and, frankly, make a lot more money than he does. They are, by and large, exceptionally conservative. He mentioned tonight that one of his colleagues, and I quote, "Worships George Bush."

Blink. Blink.

"George W. Bush?" I asked.

"Yes, George W. Bush."

Honestly, I cannot understand this. I know many intelligent people who I respect who are republicans, but I have a very, very, very difficult time understanding how someone can look around our country today and worship our current president. I know this is probably an oversimplification, but I looked at Sam and said, "He worships the man who sent us into a disastrous war and drove the country into financial ruin?"

Sam shrugged and said, "He makes a lot of money and his taxes are lower than they used to be."
And then I started to cry. Seriously. I want to cry now. I don't understand how someone can look around and not care more about all the people who are struggling. My concerns about the country extend beyond just the bottom line in this household.

I'm not an idiot, even if Obama gets elected, it isn't like this is going to be a different country overnight, but I don't see how we'll survive if things don't get headed in a better direction. Doesn't it seem to anyone else that we just can't go on like this?


Gina said...

A couple of months ago, I had someone tell me that they think that Dumbya is the greatest president, ever. I was speechless. I understand that we all have different views, but WTF??

Constance the 14,000th said...

i have very strong political views based on research and my own personal policies. it's odd to me that so many people have equally strong views with no knowledge on the subject. bizarre. i want to scream at people "it's important! do some research!"

oh and i also hate it when people complain about the economy and politics and then in the same sentence say they won't vote because it doesn't matter. so very ignorant.

Erin said...

AMEN Sister. I hear you 100%.

Obv, I have felt overly passionate about politics for a while. I guess it runs in my family.

Obama is like the opposite of that guy you mentioned, with his whole basis being, "we have a stake in each other." It gives me the goosebumps.

Anonymous said...

So well said---I can only HOPE that Americans open their eyes and see this when they go to vote. We are a military family so Im really hoping Obama wins (vs. McCain "stay in Iraq 20 more years....heck we'll stay 100 more years"). Im totally disgusted with what is happening to America.

Anonymous said...

my mom is a starry eyed republican even though i point out over and over again specifics about how bush's choices have screwed us over personally - it's like talking to a brainwashed cult member. the guy at your husband's work makes me cry too. kim

Anonymous said...

Obama is an inspiration to so many people who have given up on politics because what is best for the country is not taken into consideration. Obama seems to understand the plight of the middle class. What I don't understand are the people near the poverty level who keep voting Republican. I imagine that most of the Constance readers are not in the top 1% of the population who are rich and getting tax cuts. Why do we let Republicans give breaks to big business? Big business will make it fine without tax cuts - how about US? McCain thinks to be rich one needs 5 million dollars - is he out of touch or what?? Does that mean that those making 4 million are in the middle class??? Give me a break. It makes sense that Obama thinks people earning below $200K should get the tax cuts. That pretty well covers the middle class!