Sunday, March 2, 2008

1/2 Way?

Just in case anyone is checking. . .

I've been on bed rest for three weeks exactly. A little over a week at the hospital, six days at home, and nearly another week at the hospital.

Now my water has broken so I'm at the hospital until the baby comes or until 34 weeks, which is as pregnant as they are going to let me get.

The days are marching on, with difficult moments and better ones, and we are getting through.

I'll be a whopping 31 weeks on Tuesday.


Swistle said...

I feel happier with every day that goes by.

Constance What said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you make it to the 34 week mark!

bananafana said...

I wish you the best of luck. I think bedrest was one of the hardest things I've ever done with just being still and worried and generally miserable. I hope it lasts until 34 weeks but seems to go quickly for you and everyone is healthy and safe.

Constance the Thirteenth said...

Keep hanging in there! And congrats on making it to March!!

ConstanceTheNinth said...

I hope the time goes by fast for you, I know bedrest is a pain in the hole. Hang in there sister.

Stimey said...

Thinking good thoughts for you...

"Constance-1-M" said...

Praying you make it to 34 weeks (without turning your mind to mush!) I hated bed rest & I could get up & move for food & potty breaks - I can't imagine how much it sucks to be on the 24/7 kind!

Tell that little one to stay put & hang out for a few more weeks! We'll all wait for this birth story to make sure it's a happy one ;)

ConstanceTheSixth said...

I am keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that baby stays put and healthy for a little while longer.

Anonymous said...

Though I've never been, I've heard about the difficulty of bedrest: the boredom, the worry, the boredom.

I hope however long you make it that it means that's just enough time for your little one while being not too much time that you go bonkers.

Bryan Campen said...

Did you get the steroid shots for the baby's lungs yet? I got those at 30 weeks when I was put on bed rest. We got an extra month and our son was born loud and healthy Monday at 34 weeks and 5 days.

Nothing but good thoughts and prayers your way.

Leah said...

Bed rest is so, so hard. Physically, but emotionally, knowing why you are there. I am trying to send good thoughts/vibes your way!

laura said...

is there a baby yet?!?!?