Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It Made Me Want to Punch Him in the Teeth

So Sam looks at me tonight and sort of gently volunteers, "You seem like you are in a good mood today. . . "

And thanks to raging pregnant hostility hormones I wanted to march right over and smack him. I didn't smack him but rather made some comment about getting enough sleep last night, which I guess was a passive-aggressive way of letting him know he was not the reason for my "good mood."

Until that moment he really hadn't said anything about my being a complete and total witch lately, but don't you think it was sort of hidden in that comment? Don't you?

Oh I am so reasonable these days.

1 comment:

constance the second said...

Oh, I see what you're saying. When I first read this, I was thinking that he was hoping for something out of that good mood. Which is what that means in our house. "You're in a good mood! Let's head upstairs NOW before I miss my chance!" Ugh. I sometimes really hate that. Everytime I'm in a good mood does not mean I'm in THAT mood. Besides, I probably just took a shower and GAWD, I'd much rather surf the internet.