Monday, May 25, 2009

And The First Love Finally Gets Married

The first boy I ever loved. The first boy who kissed me. The first boy who broke my heart and then became a really wonderful friend.

That boy is getting married next Saturday.

I could probably dedicate and entire constance blog to the story of me and that boy.

We have been through a lot and I thought we were still friends.

But he is getting married on Saturday and he didn't even tell me about it.

And that's what hurts. I can't believe he never told me he was engaged. His mom told me.

And I really want to email him and tell him how sad and hurt I am that I wasn't an important enough friend to him to be told about his engagement. BUT that doesn't seem very appropriate the week before the wedding.

AND I guess it would be weird for me to send a card or a gift, as neither member of the couple told me about the wedding, and that feels weird too.

There is no way any other person I have known for so much of my life (almost 25 years) would get married and I wouldn't acknowledge it.

So I am sad about that this week. And I'm also feeling pathetic for feeling sad about it.
